As your business grows, the number of licenses you may require for primary applications like Salesforce, may become uneconomical and that future updates of those primary applications will cost you more as they may force you to either re-train personnel, change the way you do things or cost you more to re-configure the system.
Datalinked Web Portals have seen time-saving up to 90% against manual entry into spreadsheets - and with no intuitive error checking. Built-in intuition - designed around your business - will enable faster data-entry as it will automatically link to data already available, like clients/customers, projects, products, services, etc.
Users only need to log in once to access all the different modules/sections that they are allowed to view, significantly improving productivity and performance.
Customers who have access to more information and the ability to control that information will engage with you more.
Reporting can be tailored for departments, managers, teams, or a specific individual.